Benefits of PartnerConnect
What’s different about PartnerConnect?
Existing members of PartnersFirst and PartnerEmpower will recognize many components of the program. However, the program design also addresses new strategies such as:
• Recognizing different reseller business models. PartnerConnect includes both a Business Partner Track, serving resellers focused on hardware resale, and a Solution Partner Track, designed for resellers with a balanced mix of hardware, software, and services revenue. The benefits associated with these tracks reward each partner type for their contribution in meeting the needs of today’s customers.
• Jump-starting relationships. We have introduced registered status for both resellers and ISVs. These entry-level designations—with no revenue requirements—allow channel partners to begin a relationship with Zebra, and gain access to resources that will help them grow their Zebra business.
• Driving cross-selling through broader product access. PartnerConnect features product access across our entire portfolio—with limited restrictions on access to products and services, making it easy for resellers to expand the scope of a deal and pursue new opportunities.
Want to learn more about PartnerConnect? You will also find a number of program resources on the new Zebra partner portal, Partner Gateway. Visit the Program section for complete program guides and other resources, including a FAQ section about various aspects of participating in PartnerConnect.
Deal Registration ProgramDeal Registration Program
One of PartnerConnect's most important benefits for resellers, the Deal Registration Program, recognizes the significant pre-sale investments resellers make in creating and closing sales opportunities, and provides the opportunity to be more competitive. Through this program, you can apply to register a deal in progress. If the application is approved, you are eligible for an incremental product discount. The discount percentage differs by product portfolio; see program guidelines for details.